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Just when you think you’ve learned the lingo and all the intricacies of the BRCA world, you find out about another important day! That’s right, ladies and gents, it’s National BRA Day. Some seriously creative marketing peeps had to be involved with this one, but in all fairness, it’s a day that truly deserves to be recognized. It’s National Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day.

This is a day to recognize the true art that is breast reconstruction. Like wow. I joke about how I will likely look better than how I did when I started when we’re all finished, but it’s really not an over exaggeration. So in order to appreciate reconstruction, we have to recognize the people behind it: the absolutely incredible plastic surgeons. So here’s my shout out to mine, the one and only Dr. Teotia, and to all of the hardworking men and women who truly put their heart and soul into their work so women can feel like women again. They minimize what could be emotional devastation amidst an already ridiculously emotional process, and truly become like family in the process. I’m so grateful to be blessed with such an amazing surgeon, and wouldn’t do this journey justice without recognizing and him on this day!  He has been such a positive force throughout this journey and has made it as enjoyable as possible.  I would never say I look forward to doctor appointments because that’s just crazy talk, but when you’re always greeted with a positive attitude, smile, and hug, it’s almost hard not to. Plus we always all end up laughing about something or other, so you leave with a smile too. Despite being a brilliant surgeon, he truly cares about his patients as people first, and for that I am forever grateful.

I’m also not exaggerating at all when I say that reconstructive surgery is an art, and particularly in the case of Dr. T – he really is a classically trained artist.  At one of my appointments, I had the great honor of getting to see some of his work, and he gave me permission to share it on here.  I was waiting for just the perfect time, and what’s better than the day that recognizes the artistry that is reconstruction?  These are all his original drawings, and evidence of many hours of hard work (and some aren’t even finished!) So needless to say – you can imagine what his surgery results are like!  Anyhow, a perfect day to share these pictures – enjoy!


