"Tomorrow, Tomorrow…"

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Sorry just can’t help myself with a good “Annie” reference! Musical theater nerd? Well yes I am thankyouverymuch.

Well tomorrow’s the big day and honestly, as asinine as it sounds, at this point I’m actually looking forward to it… the not knowing has outweighed the other thoughts and I feel like I’ve processed everything as much as I can. Time to get things going!

I would be lying if I didn’t admit to being in a bit of a funk today, but meh – multifactorial and I’m over it now. Thankful for a roommate that provides good distraction (mint green Steve Madden flats? Well don’t mind if I do!) and doesn’t question your “my allergies suck today” excuses. I thought I was was doing great till I ran into a friend at Central Market and got a good “are you okay? You just look like you’ve had a really rough day.” In her defense, no makeup and exhaustion will do that! Okay, okay, so being ridiculously out of shape and working out for the first time in a-period-of-time-I’m-too-ashamed-to-admit will result in said exhaustion… but regardless she had excellent advice to think about the end result and I walked away with an affirmative “I promise I’m okay!!” And I am. I really, really am. I’m ready.

Anyhow, I’ll keep this short… will update tomorrow, hopefully as a girl with a PLAN! If you know me in person you know how happy that statement makes me! šŸ™‚ Thanks for all the good thoughts sent my way… you are all amazing!